two men died today, febraury 26 2010
A father and son
The father died trying to save his son
The son died in his sleep
Cause of death: a fire
both were burned to death in their own home
the mother?
she escaped
she tryed to save them but was blocked by flames
so she sat in the snow and cried
waiting and hopeing
that her husband and son would come out alive
her tears were like rivers when the firefighters
draged out her families dead, chared bodies
now all she has left
is her 20 year old son
who wasnt home that night
what does this teach us?
and will it teach you?
we need to honnor life wile we still have it
and enjoy the people we have
wile we still have them
i talked to the son not 3 hours before his death
i smiled at him and said "hay whats up?"
than went back to what i was doing
he was an awsome man and not many people knew him
not many people egnalaged him for what he was
he was billiant
he was sweet
he was nice
he was... one of he coolest guys i knew
he was nice to me when i was mean to him
I wish i had goten to know him better
i wish i had said "hay he weather's bad why dont you stay the night here"
when i knew i should have
i miss him
and i wish he knew