stareing all lonely like

stareing all lonely like
we brake off into stare with noting to connect

Monday, December 20, 2010

simple stories of a death that will come

she'll be hit by a car
he'll get shot buy a mugger
they'll get blown up by a tearerest
she wont see that top step and fall down the rest
he didnt take his pill so his blood presue rises to fast
they thought the airplain was safe
can we prevent these deaths?

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

goast stroy

the wind blew in through the window sending a chill down my spine as it blew past me. than as if it was set as fate the little tablite moved. i was useing a wigi board, my friend had suggested it and said it was fun. the tablite travled slowly as i watched it on the paper. first it traveled to the letter R than after a quick moment on the letter it travled quick to the next. i grabed my notebook off the desk and wroteR...U ...N...A...W...A... Y

"run away?" i said to myself

a scream came from down stairs, MY MOM!! i jusped over the banister skipping multipal important steps. i triped and fumbled down the rest of the stairs almost landing a perfict faceplant on the ground. i colected myself and jumped at the atacker. he whore nothing but black,  black pants, black coat, black shoes. as i was about to land on the atacker it jumped off of my mother, leaveing her bloody limp bady to lay lifeless, and juped to atck me. the face was whiter than any face id ever seen, trust me ive seen white i live in Bellingrham, Washington state we get no sun.

the face was covered in blood i didnt need any confermation that it was my moms. "haha, a girl," the pale man chukkled a creepy chukkle one that was like the cold wind, sending a chill down my spine.

a scream escaped my lips as he snached me up and carried me out the living room window. the mans was cold not even the dark coat could keep the chill from me. he ran fast, REALLY fast. he looked back at me, the small girl whom with no dificulty he carried running 100 miles an hour and whispered "the master will love a girl like you, since he lost his daughter to a slayer, youll be a perfict fill in. im sure in time he'll turn you so you wont die of age. trust me other than that youll be perfictly happy" he smiled a bright smile. his smile... was sharp and his eyes... red, red as the crimson blood that was now drained from my mother giveing me no hopes of saveing her.

thank you, this is a fic story and a patial story but you can finish it yourself if you like

Monday, December 6, 2010

