stareing all lonely like

stareing all lonely like
we brake off into stare with noting to connect

Sunday, May 15, 2011


Can kill an man
Can cure any illness
Its bitter in the end
In the beginning its sweetened
Its nice before you look twice
and when you look agian
its not a good freind

We need it
We want it
We cant live without it
Trust me! I would know all about it
But it kills us inside
When it runs and hides

Its something we can provide
but not to ourselves
We need someone else

Friday, May 6, 2011


I need a hold
something to keep me from falling
i need him here
to keep me stable
can he keep me stable?
he's the one making me fall
will he be able to catch me?
is that why I'm so scared?
or is it because i know ill get hurt?
will he hurt me?
or will he save me? 

Monday, April 25, 2011


she felt lonely
she felt cold
'cus she didnt have a man to hold
they all left her in he dark
takeing her smile
leaveing her with a broken heart

then one day
he came her way
takeing her by surpise
with hopes and dreams

she feared demise
because she could not trust
thanks to the past mistrusts

the pain she held
was worse than hell
but with out her knowing
the love started showing 
and she could hold it
the pieces just fit

Sunday, April 24, 2011


i want it to end
but how can it end
when it plays over and over again
in my mind
more detail each time
the pain
it grows more severe
till i cry and drown in my tears
but still i live
but im rally dead

Monday, April 4, 2011

stop it!!

i dont wanna, i dont wanna
break me free, i am so done
ive wasted and wasted so much time
wrote so mant rhyms
just to express how much i detest
falling in love and the heat break in my chest

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

a NO MORE love spell

We love
We lust
We do till do till our heart busts
I tryed
I tryed
but still I am denyed

I loved her once
I loved her twice
The love we had was quiet nice
I guess I wasnt enough
for her need for manly guff
I can not help I am but a woman
whos need for love was just to much

So now i cast a spell to last
so that i may not love in
Future, Presant, or Past

Sunday, March 27, 2011


we work and work
so eveything goes right
yet some time in the night
comes Nonscence

Nonscence oh! Nonscence
He is and evil devil
small and black
with eyes small as a knat
he come is the night
when we are weak and dont fight
and he makes nonscence
with what was right

He confuses our happy sprites
who help keep things right
and seals their smiles, wide and tight
brilliant and white as the stars of the night
but now ae dim as the trash in a bin

Nonscence! go away
give me my better day
Noncece leave
we the people beg you... please!